The mind is still a mystery to me, how it works, functions, the way I
totally controls our bodies. Of recent, I learned that the mind is
different from the soul and probably the spirit, I'm not too sure about
the spirit, but I am certain about the difference between the mind and
the soul. Your soul is immortal, it lives on, that is what will be
judged by God. When we die, our souls ascend to God for judgement and
wherever our earthly deeds makes us fall into, there we shall spend
eternity. Brethren, I want to let you know that Heaven and Earth are
real and that Eternity is a very very very very very very very very very
very X 100000000000 Long time. Do you want to spend your eternity in
hell ? No way. None of the people reading this will spend eternity in
hell in Jesus name. Amen.
You can choose to control your mind negatively or positively, whichever way you choose to tune your mind, that will be the view you will have of the world. People have very bad minds, and most have good minds. Most people with low self-esteem start downgrading themselves from their minds.
There's a saying "Nothing in this world can stop a man with the right mental attitude." When your mind is positively set, there is nothing that can stop you. Back then in my High School, I had a very great advantage, I never saw myself failing. Sometimes during exams and test, if you ask a student who just finished a test or exam what he is likely to get in the exam or test, he will hardly give you a good feedback, he might say 10/20 or 3/5, but never 20/20 or 5/5 or A . There is no positivity in their minds. They don't see themselves succeeding in a thing. When your mind does not have a positive state, how do you want to achieve success or positivity in real life? If it is done in your mind, it will be done in real life. Take for example, you apply for something and they are to give me a response through email. Imagine what will be going through your mind everytime you receive a mail. Right before you open it, your mind will tell you that you won't make it, why can't our minds be fixed on positivity ? Why can't we have an optimistic view of life? Our minds have the ability to control our whole body, it controls everything we do or even say. Our actions, our emotions, our beliefs, the way we see things, the way we react to things, we need to bring our mind under our control.
When I was younger, I had huge problems with emotions and the way I handled friends. When I was emotionally hurt or whenever I was offended by a friend, I would cry for a long time, become very soba and I would separate myself from my friends and colleagues for a while, I will not talk to them, I will become quiet, it would hurt me so bad that I would sleep for hours, just to stay away from people. I wouldn't eat, joy was taken away from me and I found myself always being sad and unnecessarily angry at people, close friends, innocent people and my family. It hurt me so bad. I was so emotional and one day I went for counselling and my whole view towards life and mind control changed.
That day, I met a man who was the counsellor, his name was Mr Bayo. I will never forget, we spoke and I told him my various issues and he was amazed, he said that he used to have the same exact problem but he changed totally and he said somethings to me that changed me. He said that I can totally control the way I feel and respond to these kind of issues. He said that back then, he used to think that it was impossible for someone to automatically change his or her mood, that you needed to be given time for your mood to change but he was wrong and that we can totally control our mood and emotions, take for example; someone made you sad and it really hurt you, once you make up your mind that you will get angry and annoyed, trust me, you will be angry for a long time, but if you take it awayand forget that it never happened, you will become happier. If you are sad, don't get under the control of your emotions, control your emotions. There is virtually nothing that someone will say or do to me that will make me become too sad to smile or too sad to start crying or get unnecessarily angry, because I don't let it get to me. I don't see certain things as big deals any more. I can now control myself and my mind. You need to get control over yourself and total control over your mind and your emotions because ther are your most vulnerable areas.
To be at Gods right hand side and receive
heavenly blessings and mansions, we need to have salvation. If you have
not given your life to Christ, follow my post on Salvation. God help us
all, amen. Back to our topic, the mind is so mysterious that even
science cannot explain it fully. Yes Yes, we all know it controls our
thinking but there is a more in-depth explanation to it. This clearly
shows the awesomeness of Christ, he made things that are mysterious to
man. Look at all his creations and some will still say that there is no
God. Fools !!
Well, I would love to tell you 13 things the mind does and its uses:
- 1) Your mind determines your food basket. You can fill it, you can empty it.
- 2) An evil mind will bring evil experiences; a good mind will bring good experiences.
- 3) Your mind is the window to your future. Be careful what you concentrated your mind on.
- 4) The mind is the doorway between the spirit and the physical world. What dominates your mind is what will manifest in your life.
- 5) Concentration gives power to thoughts.
- 6) What you think of yourself is what you become.
- 7) Your thoughts about yourself determines how you carry yourself.
- 8) What you think of yourself is more important than what people think of you.
- 9) Your mind is the gateway to your future.
- 10) Thoughts influence and control people.
- 11) The mind of man is the engine room that powers the actions and words of man.
- 12) Your thoughts directs the course of your life.
- 13) You behave the way you think. You talk the way you think. You feel the way you think.
In summary, the mind controls us. Therefore you are basically a product of your thoughts and certainly a product of your mind. Your physical is a product of your internal (your mind). Mind what your Mind does and wants. Bring your mind under your control and you shall control your life.
But like i always say, you need the Lord to accomplish all these, if you have the Lord, your life will be smooth, he will keep you safe and give you long life, prosperity, success, Good health and many more.
If you have received God, check out our Getting Salvation Post.
Check out our God Is Calling You Post
Stay blessed.
God loves you.
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