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Friday, 23 August 2013

12) Showing Gratitude.

Showing gratitude

When I pray or talk to my heavenly Father, I always say Daddy I am grateful for the situation I am in and the family I was born into. Well, normally there are times I get frustrated about things going on in my life but I am always grateful that my situation is better. Many at times we question God that why can't our situation in life be better but never sat down to think about people who are not anywhere close to having a good life like ours or we being appreciative about ours . Yes we pray for something better but let us be appreciative that things are not worse. I'll give an illustration using a friends story.
 Had a friend who was so close to the Lord back in his university days. He was the best in class, his parents were rich and so many good things in life for him. The best of all was that he was always thankful and devoted to God. He was a worker in church, joined the instrumentalist. Until tragedy struck, lost both his parents and the family members on both sides left he and his siblings to strive on their own. The only way he thought they could survive was for him to scam people and get loads of money from them. What really hurt me from this story was that he told me he lost every reason to serve God.
  Now look at things, that time he was good to the Lord and life was going well, me at that time I didn't have salvation but still nothing happened.

When he lost everything, I still was in the world and nothing happened. He never wished for this to happened to him but it still happened. I never appreciated God in my past life but he still made my life better. And now that I know about Him my life is still good. Not the best but its still worth thanking Him for. That's why we have to be grateful to God for the situation we are in because we haven't found any reason not to serve God. His love for us is so beautiful. For the fact that we haven't lost hope in Christ we should be grateful.
  I was not better than my friend but still God showed me favor. None of us are better than the people suffering out there so let us be grateful to our Father. We never chose the family we were born in to neither the situation that comes our way but Gods unfailing Love made our lives better. We could have being born in to families related to the countries that are at war presently but God chose a better one for us. It might not be the best but its better than not having a reason to serve God or a worse situation in life. I once shared on one of my posts that when I was younger, I thought my father was the tallest man in the world and that we were the richest people in the world. I never knew anything called poverty or suffering till I started going out and seeing the world in its various forms. There are people out there who can't even afford what you call waste.

You watch movies don't you? Don't you see the way the portray poverty in movies, well the sad news is that real life is even worse than movies, so if you cry for people in movies then what will you do when you see people in real life? I have seen a crippled man crawl on his stomach on the streets begging for money. I have seen homeless people who can't even eat once a day for 7 days straight, families where the children don't have education, the children work day in day out, as though there was nothing in this world to help them. Sometimes I think am I different from these people? What makes me special? Do I have two heads or four legs? God said he made every person equal, then why are these ones suffering. It hurts me, because when I compare myself with such people, it makes the whole world look bias, as if I and other fortunate people are different from those suffering. Why would an innocent child be brought into a life of poverty? If people could choose their lifes before they come to earth, some people will not have children, the houses of the richest of men will be overcrowded with children, but that is not possible, we can't say which families we will be born into and neither can we decide our futures. Its all God and hard work. Imagine if you were born into one of the families you see on the road side, what a life that would have been for you. Do you know that the price of your phone, some people in life don't see such amount of money in 10 years, well if you didn't, know now. Why not help people, in all your fortune, help someone in need.
I pray by the Grace of God that what ever situation in life we are in, God will make it a better one in Jesus Name. He will turn everything for good. I pray we never find a reason not to serve God. May the Lord be with everyone and bless you all. Stay blessed and remember to help someone .

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