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Saturday, 10 August 2013

8) Are You Naturally A Good Person, What Will You Do In The Absence Of Religion?

Be a good person

Religion to me is a way of life. It is a process of individual governance through a particular believe or a traditional culture. Religion helps give a certain amount of moral, spiritual and sometimes physical guidance in life. Like we all know, there are over a 100 religions spread over the whole world. From the Africans, to the Americans, to the Europeans, to the Asians and all over the world, trust me, there are still so many religions in the world which are still unknown to man. Was it not of recent when a set of NYSC youth corps found a small village where no form of civilisation has gotten to them, the kings and royal ones put on leaves while the slaves stay naked, there was no cell coverage there, no hospitals, no schools, bad water system (local ones), etc. Where I am going to is that, if that village/community was just found, that definitely means that they must have their own type or types of religions. You here of Hindu, Buddhism, etc. These are religions of people in some places of the world. How much of the world do you really know ? In my country alone, there should be over 5 types of religions if not more, though I am not certain, but leaving out the 2 most common;

  • 1) Christianity Religion
  • 2) Islamic Religion
I still think that there are about 2 to 3 religions in my country. Even those who worship the devil, those who worship;
  • Oduduwa
  • Sango
and many other diabolic forms of spiritual connections have their types of religions. The type of religion you belong to determines how you will be, it determines who you are, how you relate with people and your sense of reasoning towards certain issues in life.

Well my main aim of todays post is to create a form of argument or challenge and to See what we would be or do if there was no form of Christianity or even no form of religion at all.
As Christians, we all know what our Lord God wants, he wants us to serve and worship him always. He has already given us the Ten commandments which cab be found in: Exodus 20
I will highlight it briefly; Commandments:

  • You shall have no other gods before me.
  • You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
  • You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
  • Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
  • Honor your father and your mother
  • You shall not murder.
  • You shall not commit adultery.
  • You shall not steal.
  • You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor(Back Bite)
  • You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.

We clearly have to follow these commandments in order to be followers of Christ, yesterday in the August Convention, the Word was: The Shepherd and His Sheep. Adhering to these commandments makes us Sheep or our heavenly shepherd Jesus. But my Big question goes as follows: WHAT WILL YOU DO OR BE IF THERE WAS NO FORM OF CHRISTIANITY OR NO FORM OF RELIGION ITSELF?
If there were no commandments for us to follow or for us to be guided by, what would you do ?
If we did not live with the knowledge or conscience of the presence of our almighty God with us, what will we do or who will we be ? Are we behaving like Christians because people are watching? Are we behaving like Christians because God is the omnipresence ? Or are we internally good people ?
No offence but look at the Islams, their form of religion is meant to be peaceful, but we all know the various activities going on in islamic countries, where bombs are blown at will and people die like flies. They operate most of the international terrorism, my country is currently facing different series of terrorism from the well known Boko Haram. We have been fighting it since 2008 when their attacks became very bad. Like I said, my main question is WHAT WILL YOU DO OR BE IF THERE WAS NO FORM OF CHRISTIANITY OR NO FORM OF RELIGION ITSELF?

Do you see it as a good thing to take the life of another person ? To take the life of someone like you, a life which you do not own, life which you cannot create. Whether you are a christian or not, whichever religion you belong to, do you think It is right to take the life of someone ? Let's us take out religion, let's say we were born into a world where there was no religion, do you think it would be right to take the life of a human being like you ?
Do you see it as a good thing to lie, to say something different from the truth?
Do you see it as a good thing to steal, to take what is not yours, to leave the owner in emotional crisis and to take possession forcefully of what is not yours.
Do you see it as a good thing to sleep with someone who you are not married to, to sleep with different girls before marriage? Even with the current wide spread of HIV, is it right to have intercourse with random girls, some even go so low to sleep with public workers).
Do you see it as a good thing to commit adultery, to sleep without another man or woman after marriage. After you have been given to a man or woman, you then have intercourse with a man or woman outside your marriage.
Do you see it as a good thing to backbite, to lie against someone, to say what did not happen, just to put the person in trouble or to make yourself seen a a witness, a false witness. There have been cases where a backbiter said things which did not really happen and then resulted to the killing of the innocent person.
Does doing all the above seem right to you ? As a human, do you see it as a good thing to do all those? To kill, lie, steal, fornicate and do all sorts of sinful and ungodly things. If we are to take away Christianity or any other form of religion, what will be left of you ? Do you do good without any form of condition? Do you do good not to just show people or to say at least you have helped someone, but do it because you want to do good and is it from your heart? Once again if we were to take away religion, what will be left of you? A Good person or a Bad person. God is calling you, Assess. Yourself. God be with you.
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