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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

10) Overcoming Temptation

Overcoming Temptation

Overcoming Temptation is one of the greatest difficulties of being a Christian or even being a good person, it doesn't only apply to Christianity, all religions, everyman on earth has to learn how to overcome temptation. It is behind every evil action we take (every action which isn't good). Talking from a normal point of view now (Non-religious), When we want to do something which is bad, something we know that will hurt the feels of a person or something that is generally not good, anything which is termed bad by the bible, we often hear two voices. When I was younger, I never believed that we could hear two different voices, but if you listen closely, there's always that good voice telling you not to do it, telling you to do that which is right. We all have a Good side, no matter how bad we are, no matter how cruel or wicked we may be or seem to be. Some people get to a stage where they no longer think before they execute acts of wickedness, where their hearts have been turned to stones and they feel nothing for the lifes of others, they have no remorse for any of their wicked acts. These people are very hard to change, they are very hard to convince. In their hearts, the Bad voice overpowers the Good one, at the moment of the act, the Good voice will speak, but the Bad voice will always overcome the Good voice. I plead to us all, let us try and abolish every form of wickedness from our hearts, if there was no form of wickedness in the world, imagine what the world will be like. Imagine a world where there are no terrorists, a world where there are no armed robbers, no kidnappers, we all will feel safe, there will be more freedom. In my country for instance, people fear to even jog in the morning, when kidnapping is rampant and Ritual killings are at its peak, people find it hard to walk at night just for the fun of it, when people see that you are prospering, they then try to bring you down, they want you to fail, to be unsuccessful, to die and to be always lower/below them in every aspect of life. If we all could tune our hearts to goodness, kindness and love, we can make the world a better place.

There was a saying/quote I read sometime ago about humans and goodness:
"People have to change themselves and create good from their previous bad selves, before they can make any effort of changing their Nation, let alone the World."
That is all I have been saying. Change yourself, be a good person. Check out this post:
Temptation, It is the instrument of the devil in which he uses thoughts, words and our acts to defy our promise to God, thereby making Christians fall short of the glory of God. Temptation according to the English Dictionary is:
"A strong desire to have or do something even though you know it is not right and you should not do it."
"Something that makes you want to have or do something even though you know you should not".
From the beginning of creation, man has been faced consistently with temptations. It is recorded that in Gen.- 3:1-7 that Adam and Eve were the first people to be tempted and they fell in disobedience. From that time till date, man has been victim of temptation at different degrees in various aspects of our lives. The good news is that our Lord and glorious savior; Jesus Christ has given us the power to overcome every and any temptation. 1 John-5:4 . Since we are all literates, I believe we know the meaning of ANY. When your parents ask you what do you want and you say anything, that's means that whatever it is, you will take it. If you ask them what you are eligible to buy in the Mall and they say anything, your mind will be filled with joyed, because you know that anything gives great range of choices and varieties. But if they further go on and say, my son, you can take everything. You will then know that you can take all items whatever it is. The first thing that might come to your mind is that; Are they serious ? Can they pay for it ? But today, our Lord Jesus has given you the right over every and any temptation, he has paid for them and he is very very very serious.
Many people have be too into temptation for so long that they do not even know that they can come out of it and successfully overcome temptation. What does it mean to overcome? To 'Overcome' so to speak is not when you tell someone "Fall down and Die" and the person falls. Or when you find a juju man and conquer him. To overcome is beyond all of that. A true over-comer is the one who is able to surmount the devil himself because he is the sole reason behind every temptation and if he is conquered, total victory is assured. Hence, to overcome means to win and to win permanently.

Biblically, What is temptation? It is the pressure to do evil. Temptation can be seen as enticing trials and trials are inevitably temporal. That means it will not last for ever and that also implies to temptation which comes with so much pressure and persuasion to dip ones hand into the things which God does not approve of. There is no one that cannot be tempted. If Christ was tempted according to Heb.-4:15, anyone can be tempted and anyone can fail, but by God's grace, we won't ! 2nd Tim.3:12-14 says anyone that will live a Godly life will be under immense pressure and most of these pressure start with temptation. Temptations come in subtle ways; they don't come carrying a label indicating 'temptation','sin' or 'satan'. When there is pressure, the devil capitalizes on the weakness of man. Have you noticed that when you fast for a long time say 3 days, everything around you suggest food. When you are in need for money, every penny in sight, whether its yours or not becomes attractive. Many devotees who try to keep their bodies till marriage fall, most times, when they are almost close to settling down. Why? Temptation will never cease to come.

You cannot stop temptation from coming but the good news is that you can stop it from happening. For instance, you can't stop a bird from flying over you, but you can stop it from releasing its poop on your head by taking necessary measures. You need to know that temptation is a process, it starts little by little. Some might take up to a year or more to build up. Funny but true. In 1st john.2:15-17 we are made to understand that all temptations are centered on 3 things:
-Lust of the eyes
-Lust of the flesh and
-Pride of Life.
If you read carefully, you will observe them in Gen.3:6 when Eve was tempted. They are also interwoven with David and the wife of his soldiers. You also need to know that, you don't have to be afraid of temptation for it is everywhere. But Jesus our savior is everywhere so be cheerful and of good courage. Make Jesus the center of your life.

Keys to overcoming Temptations:
1) When temptations come - Pray in the name of Jesus for strength and courage to overcome it. Heb.4:16
2) You need help, you need a guide. Jesus went with the Holy Spirit to be tempted and therefore knew the source of the suggestion coming to him. Matt.4:1. Develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit, He will comfort you.
3) Rev.12:11, be conversant with the word of God. Know what God has said concerning issues and you will know what to do. E.g Flee every appearance of evil. Know when to flee.
4) Be committed to obedience. I have found out that, when your mind is made up 'not to sin', God will rise to help you.

Just trust and obey God in everything concerning you and see him work himself into your life. Don't quit the on Lord, even when times are hard and evil is an option, don't quit on the Lord, God can change your condition whatever it is, Stay blessed. Leave your comments and remember to subscribe and share to spread the word. God bless.


  1. I've struggled with this temptation, but I always feel the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. I just moved to a new place and this has actually helped me a lot. Yesterday, I had a deeply loving and rewarding communication with God about wisdom, the love of His saints, and the necessity to resist fornication. I know I am blessed, and I thank God for His Truth and His Son Jesus Christ. I read the beginning of the Book of Proverbs, to listen to Wisdom. We have to remember to love her and her word, because she was with God when He created everything. She knows His truth and her fruit is more valuable than the finest gold. I forgot the passage I turned to before I read the beginning of the Book of Proverbs, but I remember it was the Word of God and His saints, and it healed me and lead me to the Righteous Path.
    Love and Honor Him and His Grace. I pray for you, that your sins may be forgiven by Jesus Christ our Lord, the One true Son of God, and that you may walk in the Light of the Lord of Hosts, the Holy Son of God, AMEN

  2. The Lord is your strength, you shall not fall back into temptations IJN. Well, do remember to subscribe, join this Site at the bottom and share(+1)our posts. God bless


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