Let me start by saying unequivocally that prosperity is not the monopoly
or exclusive preserve of a few folks. Nobody has the monopoly of
prosperity, that is to say that nobody can have all the prosperity to
his or herself. You too can prosper if you possess the right keys. Let
no one intimidate you or bamboozle you to believing a lie of the devil.
We are living in a world where some people erroneously believe that
except one is cutting corners in business one will never prosper. That
except one is corrupt, one cannot make it in life. What a fallacy! The
good news is that you can join the rank of people today who are
commanding great wealth without stealing or doing fraudulent practices.
You can join Godly people who are running their businesses in the light
of the word of God; who are maintaining high level integrity in their
business dealings. You too can prosper in the order of Father Abraham
who remains till today an indefatigable template of divine prosperity.
The testimony of his servant goes to validate this position.
And the lord hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and
he hath given him flocked, and herds, and silver, and gold, and
menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses: Gen. 24:35
As a child of God, you have in you the seed of prosperity, this is your
birthright as Abraham's seed. If you look through the scriptures and
study the lives of the natural descendants of Abraham, you'll find that
they always prospered, they always made progress; no matter how they
started, they ended up expanding to the point that they became the
dominant force economically wherever they found themselves, for example,
the Bible says that Issac "waxed greatly and went forward and grew
until he became very great: for he had possession of flocks and
possession of herds and great store of servants: and the philistines
envied him" Gen. 26:13-14. If it was so for Abraham's natural
descendants, your story shall not be different in Jesus name, Amen. For
you too are a seed of Abraham via Christ Jesus. "And if ye be Christ's,
then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Gal.
3:29. Is God still in the business of prospering people today? Is he
still empowering people with the ability to create wealth? Is he still
transferring wealth to his people today ? Yes of course!
Let me show you 3 steps of commanding prosperity:
1. Believe the word of prosperity:
The Bible says,"And blessed is she that believe; for there shall be a
performance of those things which were told her from the Lord."
Until you believe the word of prosperity, there can be no performance!
Performance of your desired goal! Faith in the word of prosperity which
you have receive is all you need to command results. Hearing the word is
fantastic, but you must not settle there, you need to go a step further
to believe the word, hearing alone will not profit you. It is true that
Gods word opens you up to the miraculous, but it is faith in the word
that guarantees your delivery. Faith generates possibilities! "Jesus
said unto him, if thou can't believe, all things are possible to him
that believe." Mark-9:23. You must deliberately and concertedly mix
the word with faith in order for it to produce results. No one enters
God rest without faith. The bible says "Therefore, since a promise
remains of entering his rest, let us fear lest that any of you seem to
have come short of it. For indeed the Gospel was preached to us as well
as to them. But the word which they heard did not profit them, not being
mixed with faith with those who heard it " Heb.-4:1-2
2. Speak the word of prosperity:
There is a language of prosperity and a language of poverty. You can't
be believing God for prosperity and be talking poverty at the same time.
Your poverty language will render your faith impotent! If you really
believe the word of prosperity, you will declare it affirmatively. You
will speak out in confidence of your faith. When you open your vocal
cavity to utter statements, people around you will know that you are
operating a faith that delivers great wealth. Ten spies came back to
speak negative words of defeat and failure to Israel. They affirmed that
they were incapable of entering into their promised land. While, Caleb
and Joshua on the other hand spoke eloquently and boldly, that Israel
was capable of possessing the land. What are you declaring with your
mouth ? Prosperity or Poverty ? Success or Failure ? Possibility or Impossibility?
3. Do the word of prosperity:
It is not enough to hear the word!it is not even enough to declare or
confess the word either. We have many hearers and talkers of the
world,but few doers in the church. I have said over and over again that
hearing the word does not produce testimony of prosperity then we all
would be smiling to our banks.the church is not in short demand of
hearers but doers. There is no dearth of hearers but doer. If all church
goers who hear the word of God every Sunday can. Give attention to
what they hear with a view to doing Or putting action to what they
hear,there will be great harvest of testimonies. Doing the word is
superior to hearing the word. It is superior to hearing the word!
Miracles happen only when we take the steps of faith to do what the Lord
says, "His mother saith unto you do it ."(John 2:5).
Word encounters would provoke outstanding testimonies. Each testimony is
a validation of action taken .without the doing,there can be no
testimony. You heard the word about prosperity,what have you done about
it? You have been hearing about how you can become great,are you willing
to apply the word. I am an Advocate of word application! Until a word is
wisely applied to a certain area of your life you cannot experience the
result you are looking for. Please don't be a church goer without a
decision to apply to create,provide something that is of value to
others. Don't forget,you too can prosper. Rise up now,and take practical
steps toward commanding great prosperity!
Stay Blessed, remember to always share our posts and to Subscribe to the blog. God Bless You.
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