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Monday, 19 August 2013

11) Are Heaven And Hell Real ?

Heaven or Hell

A very common question amongst both sinners and various believers of different religions is that "are Heaven and Hell real?". It has laid a little puzzle in the life of man as to the fact that no one has ever been brought from the dead to say whether he or she was faced by any form of judgment over there or whether there was ever anybody governing the earth. When I was younger, I thought of this a lot, trust me, I mean a lot. It kept ringing in my head, is God real? Is there a place like Heaven or Hell? Where do we go when we die? What happens when we die? Do people come back to life as new people? Do people come back to life and take new forms or shapes whatsoever? All these questions gave me a very hard time when I was still coming up as a christian. From the christian bible, we are given two places where people on earth will spend eternity. Eternity is a very long time when men will be immortal (cannot die) and as such, live forever. The picture of Heaven was that it was a place where the saints go to, where there is abundant food and endless joy. Where we all have mansions to ourselves and nobody lacks or suffers or has any course to beg for food, money or any other item he or she needs, it is a place where everything is free, where you don't have to work or do something before you can buy a thing because all things are free, even the most expensive things on earth will be free there.
It is a wonderland, a land of milk and honey and radiant colours, a land of the saints, no killing, no crime, no envy or bad thoughts towards a person. It is a place to be. It is definitely the place to spend Eternity. Hell on the other hand, is a place where those who engaged themselves in evil while on earth go, it is a place where the earthly bad people go to, where sinners spend eternity. It is a place where fire burns the people there day and night. It is a scorching fire that does not consume, but the pain it inflicts gets worse. Imagine burning a life goat, the goat is meant to die after sometime, its skin is meant to be burning and in all, the goat is meant to feel pains. Here what happens in hell, the goat will feel endless pain, the fire won't stop and the goat won't doe or be consumed. Here, there is no water, no food, endless suffering, every bad thing you can think of happens to those in hell. That is where those who did evil on earth go, that is where they spend their own eternity.
Let me ask you some questions ? Where do you want to be ? Which do you prefer ? Which sounds or looks a better place to be ? I am guessing that most of you will say Heaven . There is a catch, there is something you have to do to go to heaven, you have to give your life to God

I once came across this saying that 'life Is just a rehearsal and the way you act in it will determine you being in or out of the real play'. This got me thinking a lot about heaven and earth and of course hell. And the basic simplicity of what it meant to me, was how our life on earth is just a preparation for something else far greater than we can imagine. Something unknown and quite understated in the world we live in today. It made me wonder if I would be in the 'real play' which I believed to be heaven, and I got to recall the saying of a famous musician that 'you only live once'. Although many have taken this to mean many different things, to me it mean we all get one shot at life and it better to make the most of it while you have it. I wouldn't describe myself as ' the most holy' or 'overly religious' but I do know and believe that God exists and the holy bible helps to prove this with all that it teaches, and this surely prove that heaven and even hell exists just as the earth exists and we as humans are a part of this existence. the thought of hell to me is dark and eerie, a place of tears, anguish and great sorrow and I do not want to end up in a place where depression and death rule supreme.

Therefore I decide to choose heaven as where I want be after my life on earth and with this choice, I have to do right my God and keep his commandments. I know it won't always be easy, but I will do my best and God in his infinite mercy will help me. The pure undying love of God for me and you is shown quite clearly in the death of the lord and saviour Jesus Christ on the cross for the sins of all men, knowing this I'm encouraged to be with the one who loves me this much. I'm quite convinced there will not be anything more wonderful than to be with my father after my life on earth and I implore that you do not miss out on this beautiful opportunity, therefore as I have done I ask that u choose to be with God and ask his help so you too can be with him in the end.
Stay blessed.

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